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Battery Drain

Hi, My car is "eating" batteries since about 3 years. it's been 3 batteries on it. The dealer tested the car, alternator, ground, parasite and they haven't found anything relevant. I wanted to make a test with the remote starter. Is there any way I can remove a fuse or anything to disable the started during a few days without loosing all config on it ? Could the starter be related ? I'm getting out of luck on this issue until now. Please advice! Thank you


Truck going in shop. What do I do before they disconnect battery? Evo-One with 2-way remotes.


Low volt auto start

I installed a Viper unit in a vehicle the other day and when I was programming the options with my computer, I saw an option to autostart if the battery dropped below a set voltage. I want to put a remote start in my work van in which I use a 3000w inverter to power the work lights, and soldering station etc. I would love if it would autostart so I don't need to keep stopping an install to start the van. I would rather use a Fortin over a Viper. Is there any way to do this with a Fortin unit?


How to power EVO-ALL and telemematics through datalink

So I poked around and couldn't find what I was looking for. I'm installing an EVO-ALL and DSM300 smartstart today and I see the EVO needs a 15A fuse for power and the smartstart module comes with it's own 3A fuse. My question is whether the smartstart can power the EVO through the datalink cable? I guess that question is whether the smartstarts 3A fuse is enough or should I go ahead and just cut the datalink cable and power the EVO separately? I think this question would apply to all telematics.

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